Océano Discovery Library (English): Library card

Library card

Once logged in with our @deusto or @opendeusto user and password, we may access our personal space inside Océano:

This section includes:

  • Accessing current loans
  • Accessing information about requests
  • Reviewing information about blocks

To know the status of our loans we need to be logged in. After signing in, on the upper right hand menu, we will need to click on “My Library Card”:


Once on the “My Account” page, click on the “Loans” tab or the “View all loans” link:

This section will show our books on loan, and their due date. If there were any overdue books, next to the title you’ll see a notice in red.

To find out more about any of our loans we may click on the drop-down arrow to the right of each record:

To see a history of our loans, in the drop-down menu next to “Active loans”, select “Previous and historic loans”:

To know the status of our requests or books on hold we need to be logged in. After signing in, on the upper right hand menu, we will need to click on “My Library Card”:

Once on the “My Account” page, click on the “Requests” tab or in the “View all requests” link:

This section will present information about our requests and books on hold:

  • Status of a request: not started, in process, on hold shelf…
  • Pick up location for the request

To find out more about any of our requests, we may click on the drop-down arrow to the right of each record:

We may cancel a request clicking on the “Cancel” link next to it. A pop-up window will ask us to confirm this action:

To get more information about how to place books on hold or request books from the Closed Stacks area, please see this section on this very LibGuide:

By signing in to Océano and going to "My Loans" it's possible to renew a loan for an extra 7 days, provided there are no requests for the book and that 3 or fewer days remain to its due date.

From this section it's possible to renew the loan for an additional 2 hours.