Books and journals available in print at the Library are easily recognisable, as they include the “Available at” message:
Clicking on its title we will access the detailed record, with the following information:
For more information:
Electronic resources (articles in full text, e-books…) are recognisable as they include the "Full Text available" message:
Clicking on its title we will access the detailed record. From the “View It” section we may access the full text of the document, if available. If there are several links to the full text, each of them will open in a new browser window.
Under “Details” we will find bibliographic information: title, author, publisher, date of publication, etc.
Display example of an electronic article
Display example of an e-Book
In those cases where both a physical and electronic version is available (a book or journal available both in print and online) we will see the two messages together: “Available at” and “Full Text Available”:
Clicking on its title we will access the detailed record. From the “View It” section we may access the full text of the document. If there are several links to the full text, each of them will open in a new browser window.
Under “Get It” we will find information about its call number and physical copies, their availability and loan policy, as well as their current status and a Request button, if this option is available.
Under “Details” we will find bibliographic information about the record: title, author, publisher, etc., and, in the case of journals, also a summary of the print holdings.
Display example of a journal available in both psysical and electronic format
From this section, present in all records, you can perform the following actions: