Once logged in with our @deusto or @opendeusto user and password, we may access "My favorites" area inside Océano:
This section includes:
Keep records in My favorites
When clicking the “pin” icon located to the right of each search result, the system places that record in the "My favorites" section. To maintain those records saved it is necessary to be logged in; otherwise, the selection will be lost once the window is closed.
When a reference has been added, the “pin” icon will appear crossed out:
It's also possible to add several documents to My Favorites simultaneously, by clicking on the box to the left of each title an then on the "pin" icon at the top-right hand side of the page:
Seeing kept records
To see the records that have been saved into “My favorites”, we need to click the “pin” icon at the top right hand side of the page.
From the list of records, we may click any title to access its detailed information.
Océano allows us to easily manage those kept records using tags.
What is a query?
A query is a word or phrase we specify in the search page to retrieve information. Océano allows us to:
Saving queries
If we are signed in, we can save a query by clicking the “Save query” link above the list of results:
See saved queries/searches
To access a list of saved searches we should click on the “Saved Searches” tab from “My favorites” section.
Clicking on their name we can run that search anew, to see an updated list of results.
We may also create an alert for a saved search, so that it runs automatically and sends us an email with a link to the results. To do this, we must click on the “bell” icon to the right of each of the saved searches.
NOTE: Unless we sign in, we won’t be able to access the Saved Searches section.
What is an alert?
Océano allows us to set up alerts for saved searches: we will receive a notification by email when there are new results for the saved search.
Create alerts
To set up an alert, we will need to have saved a search beforehand:
Next, we should click on the link to “Turn on notifications for this query" and, in the pop-up screen, we will need to confirm the email address where we want to receive notifications:
Seeing and activating alerts
To see the alerts we have already created we should click on the “Saved Searches” tab from “My Favorites” section.
We may activate or de-activate alerts by clicking on the “bell” icon to the right of each of the saved searches:
What is labelling?
Labels (or tags) are words or phrases we can assign to documents to help us organise and retrieve them. Océano allows us to assign as many labels as we want to any given reference or to a group of references saved in “My Favorites”, under “Saved Records”.
How to apply labels
We may do the following:
To do this, we will need to select the reference(s) to label, and click on the “Add labels” button:
We may click on a label to retrieve all the documents to which we have applied that label.
To access our search history we'll click on the Menu button (or on our name if we've already signed in):
Once we've signed in we may save our searches permanently. To do that, we'll click on the "pin" icon: